
The Occupational Therapy Excellence Awards look to reward the best in occupational therapy – whether in-house, via charities or not-for-profits, or through professional OT organisations. They are business awards and seek to reward those practices, companies or organisations that help patients, residents or clients enjoy a better life.

We are happy to accept constructive criticism that will enable us to make the Awards even more representative of this vibrant sector in subsequent years. If you spot a gap in the categories, please let us know how we might fill the gap.

Key dates

Awards ceremony: June 20

Time is always precious and sometimes writing an entry submission is one of those jobs put off until the last moment. For a helping hand to write your awards entries contact:

Please note that Boost Awards is a completely independent company that specialises in preparing Awards’ submissions. There is no financial relationship between the Occupational Therapy Excellence Awards Awards and Boost Awards. The advice you receive from Boost is confidential.